Having had what we thought was a fairly reasonable weather forecast on Countryfile last Sunday, we have had nothing but wet and windy weather so far this week however, our spirits are somewhat lifted by the thought of our approaching log cabin build date. We will be meeting with our supplier tomorrow to finalise the details and agree a delivery and construction date. Frankly, we can't wait as it seems years since we have had the comfort of a "proper" home!
One of the jobs that we have to get on with very soon is the clearing of the leaves from a couple of the paddocks. As I use a blower to do this. it is always difficult when they are wet but it has to be done. All of the alpacas are also now due for their Dectomax shots and this is scheduled for this week but with the wet weather, we will bring them into the barn the previous night so they can dry out first.
We are still conducting spit-offs and whilst it looks as though most of the herd has held their pregnancies, we are not taking any chances and if this means winter cria, then we have to accept this. At least, this year we now have the barn!
My interest in the use of alpaca poo briquettes for fuel has been rekindled (like the pun?) following Rosemary and Carl's experimentations published recently on their blog www.westhillalpacas.co.uk. Although we have plenty of wood for our stove which will be installed in the cabin, it makes so much sense in being able use "natural waste" to use as a heating source. Will let you know the outcome.
Signing off now and will be back soon.
Noah had the right idea !
Well yes I know , we're all in the same boat ! But wow has it rained !
Beginning to get just a little sick of all this water - on the plus side I
don't have...
9 years ago
A log cabin! Really exciting - hope we are going to get a pictorial record of the build!
ReplyDeleteNot another one threatening to burn poor Pooh. There must be a league against people burning fluffy bears ;o))
ReplyDeleteHope there is a pictorial record. I believe Jeff and Sheila are hoping to use the same manufacturer that we used. Not a bad thing.