Sunday, 13 March 2011

The Futurity and Halter training

Whilst a strong supporter of Blogging, I seem to be making my trips to the Blogger dashboard more and more infrequent these days!! I guess what with so many different projects on the go and my inability to multi-task, it could be something to do with it!!

We had a great day out catching up with our old friends at the British Alpaca Futurity yesterday. The show looked well presented and of course the Alpacas were of the highest quality. We came away with a few purchases, namely a new weighing scale and harness along with some replacement feed buckets but the object that most took Sheila's fancy was a beautiful sculpture of Alpacas expertly crafted by a leading artist in the field of animal sculpture. Whilst she was in deep conversation with the afore-mentioned artist, I caught up with Chris Moor from Alpaca Seller on the trade stand next door to discuss, amongst other things, the new projects that he is currently addressing.

We had a busy time last weekend when, along with a couple who will be sourcing their starter herd from us, we had a halter training session with three of our boys followed by an update of Lambivac injections for some of them. We had a good day with Gemma and Andrew and they are so looking forward to starting their own Alpaca breeding enterprise.

Another extremely worthwhile exercise we managed  to complete recently was the final removal of the accumulated off-cuts of wood and general rubbish left over from the cabin build!! It was a real eyesore but couldn't be removed until the weather dried up a bit. Thank goodness it has finally gone!!

One of the projects that we have had planned for some time is the installation of some planting beds around the farm. We have always believed that a well-presented and tidy farm instills confidence in visitors and taking a leaf out of some of  our fellow breeders, I have now built a number of "planters" around the cabin and barn in which we will be planting shrubs, flowers and vegetables (yes, vegetables).

The weather appears to be a little overcast today but I guess we shouldn't grumble as we have been blessed with at least a week of sunny and/or bright days.

The jobs are now calling, so I shall close for today and will be back soon but will include some photo's with my next blog.

1 comment:

  1. Great to have you back on the blog again Jeff. We were missing you. Not so long next time.

    Great to hear you are helping set up a new herd. That is so satisfying isn't it. Our very best wishes to Gemma and Andrew.

    Take care.

