Sunday, 10 April 2011

Some Easter-Wood pics

With a promise of some pics in my last blog, I grabbed the camera yesterday afternoon and took a few around the farm of which these are a sample;

This is Memory in the forground with Metisha looking on.

This line up shows from left to right: Sundown, Diego and Latte (sadly, I seem to have cut off Sundown's nose!)

This is a typical Diego pose!

From left to right: Leia, Memory and Metisha

None of this group were interested in posing at all!!

Some of you may remember that we have about a 1/3 acre of woodland at the lower part of the farm and as an added attraction on our open days, we decided to introduce a couple of pigs in there and so having completed the fencing of the enclosure and the ark, we placed the Kune Kune's into their new home last week. The woodland area is ideal for them as they can forage on all of the nettles, grass, weeds and roots that are abundant in there. Whilst the foliage is still a little sparse, the Alpacas can see them and as mentioned before, often kick up a fuss when the pigs waddle into view however the wood becomes very dense in the summer and will then render them invisible to the girls!

The one on the left is Matilda and the sandy coloured one is Stella!!

 Will be back soon.


  1. Much appreciated Jeff...the alpacas are looking great...but now I want some pigs for our wood...I think it might be just be an ask too far unfortunately!

  2. But surely Barbara, you are entitled as Paul has his tractor!!

  3. Well spotted and very nice....little piggys ! The wood looks great for them...and the alpaca photos are very much can never have enough pictures.....Jayne
