Friday, 11 May 2012

Alpaca Experience Day 2012

After many days of constant rain and wind, we finally had a respite in the weather, all in preparation for our first-of-the-year Alpaca Experience Days. We awoke to glorious sunshine (not seen in many weeks!!) and after a quick check on the presentation equipment set up in the barn, we shortly received our guests with coffee/tea and biscuits and loads of chat. It was good to see the Irwin family again (Terry, John, Rachael and Dan), who interestingly enough we met a few years back when Sheila had decided that hand spinning would be a good thing to do and we found a second hand spinning wheel on eBay which Terry was selling!!! Anyway along with Elaine and Dave, a lovely couple from Swindon, we all had a great time at our farm as was evident from the following photo's.

 Two of the boys getting a great deal of attention!!
 The group down by the Kune Kune's
Terry getting up close and personal!

A final thanks to all our visitors for the kind comments they made during the day. This is just a short blog as I had been suffering from a sore throat most of the day and I have decided to get an early night for a change!


  1. Looks like a great day! You were lucky with the weather!

  2. Hope you are feeling better Jeff...probably too much talking alpaca!
