Sunday 7 March 2010

Cabin Progress

I apologise for the fact that our blog these days seems to be nothing but a diary of our Cabin assembly but it is currently a major focus for us and that which is in fact, the corner stone of our business! Today's continued fine weather brought about further rapid progress and as shown, the photo below depicts the days final work on the roof beams:

The work tomorrow will be to install the final roof beam, made of Douglas Fir, completion of the end gables and installation of the ceiling which makes up the structural basis of the roof. I am still quite amazed at the rapid progress we are making and all of this within a week of starting!

More progress report tomorrow......


  1. That is incredible progress! It is all looking very good and it looks like decent weather all this week.

  2. We are so pleased to see things going so well with the cabin.
    All the best Jeff Sheila, Joe Ann,
    Chase End Alpacas.
